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Depression Therapy

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Needing a break from your own thoughts and feelings?


  • Feeling sad all the time?

  • Have you experienced loss of interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy?

  • Are you feeling worthless, guilty or having suicidal thoughts? 


Depression is not a temporary feeling of sadness, it is a persistent state of mind that takes control of your body and mind for weeks, months or even years. Individuals that suffer from this condition describe their feelings as intense and overwhelming as depression weakens mental health.

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Don’t Lose Hope, There is a Way Out of Depression

We understand how depression feels like, know that you are not alone in this path, and although the way out may seem difficult, there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are many more people who have been through the same situation, and have found the way to move forward and leave depression aside from their lives.


In fact, it's estimated that approximately 11% of Canadians will experience depression in their lifetime. It's not just about sadness, it's about feeling isolated, fatigued, and losing interest in things that once brought joy. We understand that depression can be a heavy burden to carry, but making the decision of going to therapy will lead you to a journey towards healing and recovery. 

Depression can Manifest in Various Ways

Depression, also known as "major depressive disorder" or "clinical depression", has many ways of presenting in life, a shocking event or situation can mark you deeply and lead you to have bipolar signs, depression signs or other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating and making decisions, changes in appetite, weight loss, physical discomfort such as headaches or even health conditions such as digestive problems. These symptoms can affect the normal course of your daily activities, such as working, engaging in conversations, exercising and even eating. 


There are several causes of depression, current research states that there is a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors that cause it, some of these factors may be a postpartum, physical or sexual abuse, death or loss of a loved one,  difficult relationships or financial problems.


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that has a seasonal pattern, the episodes of depression tend to occur at the same time each year, usually during the winter.


Understanding that there are many causes and symptoms of depression and considering that each case is different, we understand that life's journey can take us through challenging times, and it is completely normal to experience depressive feelings at some point in life.  Depression is a common human experience, which does not discriminate and can affect anyone. It is essential to recognize that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. With Depression Therapy, we provide a compassionate, non-judgmental environment in which you can talk openly about your thoughts and feelings. You are not alone in this, and there is no need to carry the burden of depression in isolation.

Life is Tough but so Are You

Taking this moment to search for answers to your questions on this site and seeking to learn more about this condition is a great act of courage. It is essential to recognize that depression is a treatable condition, with psychotherapy, we can help you manage the symptoms, improving quality of life, and promoting recovery.


Depression therapy begins with an initial assessment, where we work with you to understand the nature and severity of your condition. Afterwards, personalized treatment plans are designed, incorporating evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) and others that may resonate more with you and your goals.


Support, guidance, and a compassionate and empathetic approach are key components of depression therapy, all of which are aimed at helping you recover so that you can enjoy life again and overcome that feeling of constant sadness and disappointment. 

Feeling Hopeless for Having Depression?
We can Help You In

Not having the support of the people around you? 

Healing is your responsibility, you must find your own path to recovery, many people may have an opinion about doing therapy, because for some it is a taboo, it is a waste of money or you may even hear people tell you that there is no way out of depression. 


The truth is that you just need to convince yourself to heal and start this path. We are sure that with our techniques, modalities and strategies, will leave behind those stigmas.

Are you afraid to open up and share your feelings?

We know this may sound intimidating, some people could feel afraid to be vulnerable or emotional, and that is normal. In Psychotherapy, we will identify the personal abilities of each of our clients so that the process is not overwhelming or unsettling. 

Unwind Your Mind from Depression

Treating your feelings and emotions will allow you to improve your quality of life. In our sessions you will learn to manage the crisis that life may bring, make better decisions, worry less and identify solutions in a strategic way.


Start a new journey in your life with Mind Unwind Psychotherapy, find peace of mind with tools that will help manage depression.


At Mind Unwind Psychotherapy, we are committed to helping you by addressing the barriers that have stopped you from taking treatment. Our online modality allows us to fit into your lifestyle.


We help you live your best life through compassionate and evidence-based practices.


Our client-centered strategies and our culturally humble approach is what will make you feel at home. We offer therapy in Spanish and English so you feel comfortable and understood.


If you have any questions about our services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by sending us an email at, or you can book a free 20-minute consultation with us. 


Heal - Overcome - Help Your Mind Unwind! 

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Let's Work Together To Improve Your Mental Health.

Take The First Step

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