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Anxiety Therapy

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Have you been feeling a bit on edge lately? 


  • Do you constantly worry or overthink?

  • Have you ever experienced panic attacks?

  • Are you not able to understand what causes your anxiety?


Feeling overwhelmed by intrusive thoughts, physical discomfort, and a pervasive sense of unease can be a little daunting when experiencing anxiety.

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You are Bigger than What is Making You Feel Anxious

Nowadays anxiety has become more present in people’s lives due to social pressure and lifestyles. Most of the time we find ourselves having constant worries, experiencing family situations, work problems, finances, or other disturbing personal issues.


Although the triggers for living in anxiety are often different and very common, the symptoms are often easy to identify 


Anxiety can make you have turbulent thoughts that occur frequently and are difficult to control, making you feel exhausted and tense during the day.


You may also have endless fearfulness that can affect your concentration, leading you to procrastinate on your tasks. 


Sometimes you can also lose interest in tasks, in your work, in spending time at home, in seeing your friends, because you are avoiding anxiety.


Sometimes anxiety can also affect your health, leading to breathing complications, extreme sweating, unexplained headaches, stomachaches, body aches, dizziness, among many others. 


Even though it all sounds and seems very complicated when you suffer from anxiety, it should be noted that it is one of the most common of all mental health conditions. Studies estimate that 1 in 10 Canadians may be affected by anxiety. On the positive side, this can be treated by a psychotherapist, who can help you recognize the difference between an anxiety that responds to a specific event  of your life or an anxiety disorder that produces stress and fear in the course of life.

Your Anxiety is Lying to You. You are Going to be Okay.

Anxiety is a common human disorder, which sometimes feels like a hopeless challenge. The persistent worry, racing thoughts, and physical tension can be overwhelming, leaving many searching for answers. 


Anxiety is like a weathered book on the shelf of our lives; its presence is a part of our story, reminding us that we are beautifully human, not defined by our worries, but by our resilience.

Anxiety is a treatable condition and help is available. 


With the right guidance and strategies, you can regain control of your life and uncover newfound resilience. Whether you're seeking counseling, mindfulness techniques, or coping strategies, there's a path to recovery that's both hopeful and achievable.

You are Going to Figure It Out like You Always Have

Being conscious about having anxiety is the first step to start your healing journey. Whether you're dealing with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, or specific phobias, therapy can provide valuable tools for managing your condition.


Therapy begins with an initial assessment, where we work with you to understand the nature and severity of your anxiety. Afterwards, personalized treatment plans are designed, incorporating evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and others that may resonate more with you and your goals. In our practice we offer a safe and non-judgmental space to explore the root causes of your anxiety, identifying triggers, and developing coping strategies to improve your overall well-being. 


Support, guidance, and a compassionate, empathetic approach are fundamental components of anxiety therapy, all aimed at helping you regain control over your life and achieve a greater sense of peace and resilience.

Do you still have concerns about how therapy
can treat your Anxiety?

In denial about going to therapy?


Feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable about seeking help to treat anxiety is part of the process. There is still stigma around mental health, and this can be a major barrier to taking the first step. This is completely normal at first, we assure you that as you begin treatment this will get better, and the results will make you feel comfortable and satisfied with your decision.

Went to therapy and had a bad experience?


We understand that many times the first step is difficult and that looking for a mental health expert can be a hard challenge. At Mind Unwind Psychotherapy we offer a safe, non-judgmental space where you can feel comfortable and at home. We want to get to know you, so that with our expertise you can start living your best life. You deserve it!

Thinking that anxiety is a dead-end cycle and that therapy won’t help?


We understand that anxiety can feel like a dead-end cycle, however we will find the right strategies and techniques to work out a solution that works for your unique needs. No matter how difficult the road may seem, there is a way you can manage anxiety and help yourself to feel better.

Unwind Your Mind from Anxiety

Treating your anxiety will allow you to improve your quality of life. In our sessions you will learn to manage the crisis that life may bring, make better decisions, worry less about situations that are not happening and identify solutions in a strategic way.


Start a new journey in your life with Mind Unwind Psychotherapy, find peace of mind with tools that will help manage your anxiety.


At Mind Unwind Psychotherapy, we are committed to helping you by addressing the barriers that have stopped you from taking treatment. Our online modality allows us to fit into your lifestyle.


We help you live your best life through compassionate and evidence-based practices.


Our client-centered strategies and culturally humble approach is what will make you feel at home. We offer therapy in Spanish and English so you feel comfortable and understood expressing yourself.


If you have any questions about our services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by sending us an email at, or you can schedule a free 20- minute consultation with us 


Heal- Overcome- Help Your Mind Unwind! 

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Let's Work Together To Improve Your Mental Health.

Take The First Step

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